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 Rosegurl's stories.

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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 15, 2010 4:32 pm

This is a short story that I had written a few months ago and it is not finished. Do forgive me if I use the wrong tenses. Please do comment.

My world change around me when I meet him a few days after my 21st birthday. It started when my friend Clauise got an invite to a upsale party. The type the only the rich can throw, and luckly for me, I was her plus two. Ann was also coming with us. She lend me one of her old dress that she never wears, because I don't have a lot of money to buy a new one. The hem of the shirt lands right at my knees, and the top was a black corst, with a silver thread down the sides. Clauise put my hair up in a pretty bun, and I had on very light makeup on.

"Rosie, you look beauitfull: like the dress is made for you." Ann said after everyone was finish getting ready and in the car that will drive us to the party on the hill. Before we got to the party, I check in the mirror that was in my purse, to see if my wavy, red hair was in place, which I was happy it was. I looked at my forest green eyes, and saw a shimmer of delight in it. I put away the mirror and turned to my two bestfriends in the world. Ann was in a deep red dress that was cut to show a little bit of her assets. Clauise is wearing short dress in the color of a faded sunset. Once we got to place where the party will be happening, my jaw dropped as I saw the huge mansion.

I closed my mouth and try to act if I was used to all this. When the doors opened, I saw a world that I have seen in my wildest dreams. This place put Cauise's house to shame with its grander. With quiet awe we started to walk to where the party was, and a lot of people was on the dancefloor dancing the night away. I stayed on the sidelines while my two friends dance. When it got closer to midnight, a mand walked in. He was wearing all black, so I cannot tell what he was wearing. He was tall, dark and handsome to me, but air around was like he was not int the mood to party, as he walk to the dancers. Something was going to happen my gut said to me, as I try to get to my friends. The dark man started killing some of the dancers that moved away. One of the dance started to shoot back at him, but one of the bulltes hit me in the chest and the I blackout. I don't know how long I was out, when I came too.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 15, 2010 5:00 pm

Uh huh. Perfectly good and clear first-person narrative despite the odd spelling error. Its a shame I can't pick though this and correct it for you in the anally retentive streak I appear to have adopted for grammar. Anyway, my only major gripe is that there's not a whole lot of flavour to this, if you get what I mean. There's not a whole lot of imagery. While a simple and direct account is fine, it needs some colour to flesh it out. Dwell on your narrator's appearance, the ballroom or even the senseless panic after mindless violence at the end, perhaps. As it stands, its an interesting basis for a short story to build on. With a major plot hole...

Is the reason for the killing explored in another story?
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 10:04 am

I understand, I go between too little or too much imagery. I try to find a happy meduim between the both of them. I don't know why I want people killed, then my muse move away from me. T-T Maybe I been watching too much of Hellsing.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 2:44 pm

Here is another story story that is not finished at all because my muse again leave me. I wrote this a few years ago. ^-^ All comment will be helpfull.

A young dark haired nurse is driving down and old dirt road to get home. She have gotten off work another shift at the local ER. Her windows of her old Chevy car are down, and the wind blows thru the dark brown hair with red highlights. Her soft grey eyes are watching the road in front of her. As she was driving down the road, she saw something big by the side of the road. So she stop and walk over the thing by the side of the road. The thing was a young boy is out cold: by the look of the boy it seems that he had nothing to eat or drink for a few days. She bend down to check if the child was still alive, and she let out a breath that she was holding when she feel a light pulse under her fingers.

She gently lift him up and walk to her old black Chevy car. When she got there she gently open the back door with one hand. Once it was open she gently as she can put the boy in the backseat. When she brush away some of the dirt on the boy, he had a head of curly, black hair. She close the door and started to drive back to work.

When she got there, she carry the boy into the ER. The head Er doctor: Jogn Weatermon look at her and the boy in her arms. He bring a bed for the boy to be lay on and waiting for her reason for this. "I found him on the side of the road as I was going home." she said quickly as she put the boy on the bed.

"Thank you for telling me Luna. We will take care of this little guy for you." Dr. Jogn said to the nurse. The doctors treated the little boy for numbers things. While the boy is treated she called her sister, that she lives with. Luna tell her sister Lillith what happen and she is going to stay with the boy. Then her sister said that she understand and call her back if anything more happens. After a few days the young boy woke up. He didn't know were he is and very scared.

Luna see this and said, "It is ok, You are safe here. I will not let anything hurt you." As she said this the forest green eyes of the doy looks into her caring, soft greys eyes. The boy seems to know that she was telling him the truth. He smile at her as she hug him. "I will be outside the door, if you need me. Ok?" she said quietly to the boy with a smile. The boy nodded, but will not speak.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 10:26 am

(Listening to music helps me to write. Here is a part of a fanfic for Hellsing. I hope you like it, and please comment. ^-^ )

Chapter 1
A dark red haired woman passively walk out from a busy London airport, where an old butler holding up elegant written sign. The sign reads Roslina Meria Rowland, which is her name but she likes to be called Rose. Her dark green eyes are hidden under a wrap around black frame, rose tinted sunglass: that makes everything look like it covers with soft light. She walks to the butler with a half smile on her face. "Hello, that is me." She said nicely to the old butler. The old butler looks at her while gently lower the sign. The butler looks thin, but still have good amount of mussels under his clothes. He has his black hair is in a ponytails, and looks like any English butler that you have seen in movies. The way he moves, she can tell that he can kill her if she made a wrong move; knowing that her smile never wavered from her pale but pretty face. "Hello, Miss Rowland. I'm Walter and I will take you to the Hellsing estate." Said the old butler as he bow lightly to her, and then start to move to the car. She follows him to the car, which is not very far away.

The car is new, shining black car in the sunlight. Walter opens the trunk of the car, and put her two bags into it; close the trunk and open the car door for her. She wasn't shocked at the luxury of the car when she steps into it. She is wearing a simple black shurt with a slit that shows red silk lining. Her top is black, and fitted to her body with woven design around her neck. The only jewelry she is wearing is a pair of white gold earrings. Then the car starts up and starts to move out of the parking lot of the airport. "Sir Hellsing will be waiting for you. Also your things will be put in the guestroom." Walter said nicely as he drives. She nods gently to what he said. Rose gently takes off her black sunglass because the windows of the car are tinted. She watches out the window with her dark green eyes, London pasting her by. But she didn't care about famous sites, because she has a lot on her mind. She has never been outside the Unite States of America in her whole life, and to be invited by Sir Hellsing herself. Many emotions are going thru her, like fear and joy: but she doesn't let it shows on her pretty face. Killing things that most people believe that are myths, vampires. Hiding it from normal people has not been easy over the years. She slowly thinks about her role in this world when the vampires are all gone.

London has past her window a few hours ago, and now she is looking at the rolling hills of the English countryside. It is a little to green for her taste, but she can live with it for awhile. Then the manor of the Hellsing estate slowly moving closer every minute, as the car got closer. It looks more like a castle then a manor. Rose is in awe of the look and size of this place, but she keeps her face in a mask-like calm. After a few moments down the long drive way they finally stop in front of the manor. Then the black haired butler opens her car door and led her inside.

She follows his lead and went inside. The inside seems bigger then the inside, and have a dark, old but elegant look to, which she likes very much. When she is walking, she can feel someone is watching her as she slowly walk up the stairs behind the old butler. The stare she is getting is more like wondering why she here, then it want to kill her. The dark green eyed girl smile faintly because she have a feeling of who it is; but for now she is keeping it to herself. Out the corner of her eyes she can see a pair of blood-red eyes once in awhile in the old paintings on the walls. She keeps a ghost of smile on her lips until she is in front of the wooden doors of Sir Hellsing's office. Walter knocks on the door. "Come in." said a female voice thru the door.

Walter open the door and she walk into the huge office, and behind a massive oak desk sits a blue eyed, long blond haired woman wearing a suit with a tie, pin to it is a cross. The woman has a commending air about her, as she smokes a cigar. Rose has a feeling that this is not a woman to piss off. Her glasses flash as she looks up from her paperwork to Rose. "Welcome Miss Roslina Rowland. I'm Sir Integra Fairbanks Windgates Hellsing. I run the Hellsing Organization, like my forefather did." Blond haired woman said with a calm, but commending voice. "Thank you for having me, Sir. Please just call me Rose." Said the deep red haired woman as she sits down in a chair that is placed in front of the desk. "Tea will up in moment, Sir." Said the old butler as he bow out of the office. Integra gently move her head and let him go make tea. "Rose, I see from my file that this is the first time that been outside the states. Also states that you work for a few vampire hunters and you are a Dhamir (half-vampire)." Said the leader of the Hellsing Organization in matter of face voice to the woman in front of her.

"That is all correct, sir." Rose said as she moves her dark red hair off to one side. "They say good things about you and I know about you need to drink blood once in a while. As long as you work for me, you will follow orders." Sir Integra said with a knowing voice. "Yes, Sir. I will do my best." Rose said with great strength in her voice.

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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 10:56 am

(Here is another chapter of my fanfic for Hellsing. It is a little shorter then first because at the time my muse went somewhere else. -sigh- I hate when she does that. Course please do comment, and love to have some fed back.)

Chapter 2

Then Walter came in with a tray of tea, and he pored two cups of tea for both ladies. Rose put a few spoonfuls of sugar in her tea and Sir Integra took hers plain. After a few sips of tea, the dark red haired girl put down her tea. Although Rose can eat and drink human food but it can taste wather plain to the rich taste of blood. "Walter will show you to your room. You will be training at the gun ridge tonight with some of my people. Also your guns are already in your room, I had Walter upgrade some of them for you. You may go now." the blonde leader said after she finished her cup of tea.

Rose nodded and said her thanks to Sir Integra. Somehow Walter cleans up the cups and takes away the tray, then get back to the office without her noticing. She gets up from the chair and follows the old butler out of the huge office. "This way madam." Said Walter as he move down the stairs and to the right. Then he open the door to the guestroom, and it is bigger then her whole apartment in the states. On the table on the far side her guns lay clean and shiny. She turns around and thanks Walter for his work as he leaves her. He gives her a look of; it was not problem for him.

Then he left her to her own devices in the guestroom. Her bags are at the foot of the king size bed. She went over to them and started to unpack her things, to the closet and dressers. When she was finish with that she went over to her guns on the table: she gives them and good look over. Walter did a great job on them, she thought as she picks up one of her modified handguns. The gun looks like one of the old colt relivers with a rose and thorns along the longer barrel, and also having an ivory handle. Engraved in the handle of the gun: it reads, This rose of thorns that you can never cut, because they will cut you down by God's will. This gun and it twin was her mother's. "I am doing the work you left for me." Rose whisper to herself as a tear run down her pale face.

Then she gently put the gun down on the table, and walks to the bathroom. She takes a shower and change into pjs. Her deep red hair is pull up into a bun. She walks to bed and sit down. Before she fell asleep she sat the alarm clock for six at night. Rose is asleep before her head hit the pillow.

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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 9:37 am

(There is another chapter of my hellsing fanfic. I love this anime and manga.)

Chapter 3

A red haired woman wake up to the buzzing sound of the alarm clock next to her on the nightstand, and she gently hit it to shut it up. She yawns that shows her pretty, but pointy teeth as she got up from big, soft bed. Her stomach starts to growl at her, and then she realizes that she hasn't eaten anything since the plane. So she picks up the phone; which is by the alarm clock, and dials the number to the kitchen. "Hello, how can I help you?" said a shy female voice.

"Hello, this is Miss Rowland. Please send up two bags of o+ blood and some toast with butter." She said in a gently tone of voice.

"It will be up soon, Madam."


Then Rose hangs up the phone and walk to the bathroom. She brushes out her still damp hair into a high ponytail. When the knock on the door came, she walks to it and open the door with small smile. 'That was fast.' she thought to herself.

Before her is a small, shy looking maid holding tray of blood and toast with a glass with it. The maid give her the tray and walking whether quickly: before Rose can thank her. She moves the tray inside her room and closes the door gently with her left foot. She sat the tray down on side table near a big, comfy chair that is near the fireplace on the far side of the room. She sits down on the large, comfy leather chair and starts to pour herself a cup of blood. Between the sips of blood, she takes bits of her buttered toast. The dark liquid makes the toast taste better to her. The liquid that flows thru the veins of humans taste is hard to describe, but it is wonderful. She easily down both the blood and toast with ease, and when the cup is empty she put it back on the tray. She gently wipes away any blood around her month before starting to get dressed.

Rose layout a black tank-top with a pair of motorcycle pants with red accents, and then she takes off her pjs. On her pale back is large scar of a cross that runs down her whole back. She put on her outfit and put on a pair of black lace up boots with blood red laces; that she put under her pants. After getting dressed for the night: she opens an almost empty gun bag and walks to the table that is holding all of her guns. Then she pulls out a pair of black gloves with white stitches and put them on. After that she gently packs them into the bag, and then she is ready to go to the range. She takes a good whiff of air, and follow the sent of gun powder. It took out of the manor, and it takes her a few moments to get there. The sky is inky black with dots of stars, which shimmer dimly in the sky. The half moon is hanging low in the dark night, hardly above the tree line.

Once she got there an odd sight lay before her. A petite, spiky, blond haired woman with well endowed assets, in a yellow hellsing uniform that looks like she will bust out of it, is arguing with a tall, dark haired man. The man is wearing a red floppy hat with the same color trench coat, and under it is a white shirt with black pants. "But, Master. I don't want to." Said the petite blond with a pout, and her arms folded under her big boobs: which made them look bigger. To Rose the woman is acting like a child, which is not getting her way.

"You will do what I say Police Girl." Said the dark, tall man to his fledgling that is pouting in front of him.

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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 9:17 pm


I just finished reading these, and... My commenting abilities most times are limited to "like it" and "don't like it". Reason why I rarely ever comment on people's work. So... Bare with me.

Still... For someone who knows absolutely nothing about Hellsing (and I mean literally nothing), I found myself thoroughly enjoying your fanfic even so.

The first two short stories frustrate me for the point where they stop. Although I understand (and well) that inspiration comes and goes, it still makes me go. "Argh, what happens now?" I'm just curious like that.

I find it curious that usually the first thing you show of you characters is the hair color. And I curiously wonder why.

Wow, I wrote so much here. O.O

To sum things up: "like it" flower
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 5:08 pm

Thank you. Hellsing is a wonderful manga and anime. It beats twilight to death and eats it whole. ^-^

I always do that because I usually lazy when it comes to what people look like and hair is the easiest to do.

Thank you very much.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 5:25 pm

(There is a short story about My Oc Roslina.)

A young teen walks up to the attic of her family home in the middle of the dry desert. There is nothing to do on this summer day and it is to hot for this redhead girl to go outside. So she move to the cool dimest of the attic. Everything is covered in a layer of dust that is thick efe that she cannot even hear her own footsteps.

She gently move the boxes out of her way and some the dust went into the air. Which made her eyes water, and her nose itch. Then she sees a old leather trank and she moves to it. Once there she opens it and she faded pictures of her adopted mother. She gently look at each picture and move them to her side. On the bottom is a locket in shape of heart.

She open it she sees her mom again with a young man with black hair. She turn the locket over and on its back something is insapbe there. It said, "To my sweetheart from N.R.B." She wonders who is this man that loved her mom so much to give this simple but lovely gift.

"So you found my old locket." said her mother with a quiet smile. Roslina jump and turn to an older dark haired woman.

"I am sorry. I was bored I wanted to find something to do. Who is N.R.B.?" she said shyly and with a light blush.

"Don't be sorry. He was my true love who died a year after he gave me the locket. His name is Nickoi Rowen Blena." her mom said with a pat on her cheek.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 5:39 pm

(this is my 4th chapter of my hellsing fanfic.)

Chapter 4

"Master that is not my name. It is Seras Victoria." said the pouty blonde, but her master is not listening. The tall, black haired man raised his white gloved hand to his fledgling, to stop her from talking more. The vampire turns around and sees Rose standing there. She knows who he is; Alucard the pet of the Hellsing family. He gives her is normal wolfish smile that is ear to ear. The smile makes him look demented human with blood red eyes. Her inner dark beast purr with delight and fear of him, but she doesn't shows on her pale face in the moonlight.

"Ohh, New girl." Alucard said in his dark and deep voice.

"Hello, Old man. I heard many feared things about you." Rose said with a slight smile. Alucard laughs softly at the red haired woman. He sees that her eyes of the color of dark grove of green. They are so different from his master's icy blue eyes, but both have the power to lead men to their deaths. Her scent to him is the smell of sweet, earthy smell of desert sage after the rain, with the odor of gunpower, blood and hint of untouch white rose. Her scent is mouth watering, but his master's scent is more heavenly. The red eyed being that looks like a man, turn away from her to walk to one of the gun range booths and look across the field of fire. What ever he was thinking he keep to himself. Then the blonde vampire walks up to with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Sears Victoria. Master is always like that." The petite woman said while holding out her hand for a handshake from the red haired woman.

"Hey. I'm Roslina Rowland. Please call me by Rose." The dark green eyed woman said as she shakes the woman's hand.

Then Rose saw that here is a huge cannon on Seras's back. The cannon must have weighs a few tons, but the girl before her carries it like it was nothing. Although she is a Dhampir, she don't have the great strength as a vampire, but she is stronger then most humans. She walks away from the petite blonde to the booth on one side of the elder vampire. She wonders why the most feared vampire in the world chose the one the most child-like person as fledgling. She heard Seras move to her booth on the other side of her master, Alucard.

"The targets are set at five, ten, twenty, thirty and one hundred miles. Hit them in the heart or the head." Said the dark voice man in a bored voice. "If you miss I get to deal out the punishment." Alucard said with dark humor in his voice. Seras pales at the idea of her master's ideas of punishment. Rose like the challenge of this task, as she put downs her gun bag gently to the ground. She opens up the bag and gets her relovers out with normal bullets, because tonight she is not hunting ghouls. She puts the gun and the bullets on to the little shelve in front of her. She picks put one of her guns and open the box of bullets. Most guns like this have six holes to place the bullets in, but these guns of eight. She fills each of the guns with bullets excepted one hole in each gun. Then she flips them close.

The act of loading the guns tool lest then a few moments, to do. She takes her shots at the five, ten and twenty without a problem. All of those hits are head shots. The thirty and the one hundred is going to be a little harder to do with her normal eyes. So she is going to use her vampiric vision and she only going to use one eye. She only has one hole in her vampiric vision that is at the back of her head, where the neck meets the back of her head. Her dark green eyes slowly turn blood red with streaks moving thru out her iris.
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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 7:07 pm

(Here is my seound fanfiction and it about Kuroshitusij (Black Bulter) with a oc. I hope you guys like it and I want to hear from you.)

Alice in Kuroland

Chapter 1

A raven haired woman walks to the deck of the biggest boat that she have ever been on in her whole life. Her grey eyes like mist on early morning, quietly look over the crowd of people below to the dark gray skys of London. The sky look like it going to rain anytime soon, and she really don't want to get wet. The young woman is on the deck of one the White Star ships, that left New York earlier that week. She started to get bored watching the first class slowly move to solid land. She wears a worn blue dress with a clean white apron, and moving a single bag over her shoulder. What seems like hours, she finally got off the boat. With a gentle sigh the young woman bid the boat a goodbye, and walk thru a slowly moving crowd to a new life in England.

Most of the first class in the crowd has gone home, but she still looking for someone. Then she sees a butler near a carige, and the young woman with black hair hopes that is her ride to a new job. She walks over with a polite smile, but she is rubbing her ring finger in worry. The butler is almost six feet with dark brown hair that is pulled back into a low pontytail. The man is wearing round glasses with black beads that comes off the sides. His eyes are a pretty green that reminds of sea glass that you can find on the beach. 'He is cute in a shy way.' the young woman thought.

"Hello. Are you the butler for Madam Red?" she asks nicely: hoping that it is the right butler.

"Yes, I am. My name is Grell Sutciff." the man side in almost shy tone, like if he is going to make a mistake at any moment. He gives her a small smile, that makes he look even more nervies.

"My name is Alice Rowen. It is nice to meet you Mr. Sutciff. Please do call me Alice." the young woman said with light smile and setting down her only bag.

"Sure, only call me Grell." the butler said with another small smile as he put her bag on top of the to the new maid Grell is only hidding his sharp shark like teeth from her, because he do like to stay by Madam Red's side as long as he can. The new maid is a looker, and he wonders if she would look better with a covering of red. His eyes glaze over like his is daydreaming in class and not in the docks.

"Ok, Grell. Lets get going I don't want to be late on my first day here." Alice said with a laughing tone to her voice. She sees that Grell when into a daydream, and she rise one eyebrow at the butler. 'Well he is not very good at his job. It seems that I may have to pick up after him. That is going to be a pain.' the young woman in blue thought to herself as she got into the carige. She stop herself from sighing as she look out the window. With the sound of her voice, broke Grell's daydream about her covered in a pretty shade of red. "Oh, of course." the former daydreaming butler said while moving to the driver's sit. The carige starts to move and wonders how she will fare with this new boss. The young woman quietly muse as the London docks slowly fade away as she slowly moves to her new life.

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Rosegurl's stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosegurl's stories.   Rosegurl's stories. Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 3:02 pm

(This is my 2nd chapter of Black Bulter.)

Alice in Kuroland
Chapter 2

After a few hours in the carriage, it stop in front of a large townhouse, that is size of a small manor. The dark haired butler open the door to the carriage, and Alice hop out without his helping hand, that he was holding for her. The young woman only smile lightly, as Grell moves his hand to her bag like he was going to do that the whole time. Alice is glad to be free from her last master and his family, but she stills wonders about Madam Red. "This way to Madam Red. I will also put your bag in you room as you talk with my Lady." Grell said with small smile.

This most deadly butler wonders about this new maid, and if she will get in the way of his and Madam Red's work. The dark haired young woman follow the butler thru the maze like hallways of the townhouse. The grey eyed woman quietly making a map in her head, so she will not get lost later on. Alice dislike being lost and dealing with people who don't know what they are doing. After a few moments of walking Grell stop in front of large wooden doors, that seems to the young woman made of oak, and knocked loudly. "Come in." a woman call out to two people on the other side of the door.

The shy butler open the door to a huge office, that is bigger than most bedrooms in New York. It is full of files, and a lot of medical books. Behind a great oak desk, is a woman dress from head to toe in red. This woman looks good in red, and all that red didn't seem out of place on her pale skin. "Hello, Grell dear." Madam Red said with a warm smile.

"Madam, this is Alice Rowen the new maid from America." the butler said with a shy smile, and holding Alice's bag in his hand; almost like he forget he had it in his hand.

"Of course, Grell. Please put her bag away, and get us some tea." the woman in red said in a kind tone. The green eyed butler almost hit his knees, and ask forgivenss. But the Madam only waved him away, like this is normal for him. Alice only mentaly sigh, seeing that Grell is truely need a lot of work as he leaves. With a click of the wooden door close, the lady in red motion her to sit down in one of the chairs in front of the grey eyed young woman sit down in the right chair with a lady like way. "Don't worry about Grell, he usually like that; because he still new at being a butler." Madam Red said with light laugh, as if it was a big joke. Alice only nods her head, but she cannot make up her mind about this new master. The new maid can see that Madam is smart to be a doctor, but seems to act like air headed lady.

"From what I heard about you. You are the best in maid that I can see, and I am sorry about your former master. I hope you will serve me will, and try to help poor Grell out." Madam Red with a gentle tone.

"My family served the Quinny for years, it too bad that the last one died in Romaina. I will try my best." Alice said with a sad smile, but hids many things under that smile. Then Grell came into the office and roll the tea tray next to Alice, and than try to pour two cups of tea. But he starts to shake badly, but luckly it didn't drip down on to the carpet. The butler got on his knees and started to ask for forgivenss. Alice sees that this Grell can over act on the most stupid things, and she quietly sighs again. You can almost see a sweat drop at the back of the raven haired woman's head. 'Great I get to work with a someone who don't know how to do their job. Oh what fun.' the young woman thoughts to herself.

Alice got up from her chair, and quietly clean up the mess as Madam Red tell Grell that is alright. When she is done cleaning up, the butler got up from his knees. "Grell, show Alice to her room and get her measrmites for her unform." the lady in red said. Alice takes the tray and follow the butler out to the hall. "Lets get this the kitchen, and then you can show me my room." the young woman said with a light smile. "Of course." he said with small smile. It took a few moments to get to the kitchen, and then to her room. Her room maybe simple, but bigger than thing in the states that she lived in. Then Grell quickly took her measurites, and left her ponder what did she get into in this country.

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